Kickstart your journey to deeper friendships in 5 days
Grow your confidence and unlock the keys to building a rock-solid inner circle
Are you tired of having only acquaintances and casual friends? Do you crave true connection but aren’t sure where to start?
Are you stuck not knowing what to say when you meet someone to take a casual conversation to the beginning of a friendship?
Do that you struggle to feel connected to people but you’re afraid of opening up too much?
Maybe you’re wondering how to make new friends as an adult now that you—and everyone else you know—are so busy.
As adults it is often harder to make new friends—and to keep those friendships growing in a world that is increasingly online. Entrepreneurship poses special challenges—but there are skills and principles you can learn to make the process easier and find the deep connections you crave.
Imagine having the confidence that you CAN build an inner circle of not just one but multiple close friends you can have fun with and count on to be there for you when you need them.
In my 20s I started over twice in building a social network. I moved across the country, and like many of us, I gradually lost touch with my high school friends. Work consumed most of my time, and when I became an entrepreneur it was harder to feel connected to the friends I’d started to make at work. As my worldview shifted, I once again found myself looking for a new community, without a guidebook. I also saw how my clients struggled to make progress on their goals when they didn’t have close friends.
Join me for a 5-day challenge to set you up for success in growing a community of close friends you can count on.
In just 5 days I’ll lead you through the questions that will help you:
Gain clarity on your friendship goals
Understand your biggest obstacles
Change your mindset around friendship
Build your confidence that you can find rock solid friends
Plus…it’s FREE! What do you have to lose?
Imagine knowing that if your best friend or partner is unavailable, you still have someone to fall back on for support or encouragement when you need it. Imagine never feeling lonely, but always full and cared for.
When I first started my entrepreneurial journey, I had no idea how important my inner circle was to my success. And I had to go through trial and error to build up the close network I have now—an inner circle that believes in me when I don’t believe in myself; that brought me meals and provided childcare when I was recovering from an injury that left me unable to walk; that cheers me up when I’m sad.
I want that for you too.
So don’t wait. Join the challenge today!